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Embedded Recruitment

Rapid Deployment for Growth

The Embedded Recruitment Model That Will Help Transform Your Business

Our flexible and tailored solution is designed to help businesses overcome hiring obstacles and achieve both short and long-term growth goals.

A Model Designed To Overcome The Biggest Hiring Challenges

  • In today’s rapidly changing business environment, organizations are facing significant challenges in attracting and retaining top talent.
  • Economic uncertainty, overstretched teams and evolving working styles can make it incredibly difficult to keep up with recruitment demands and priorities as well as maintain a competitive edge.
  • At WGG, we understand the pain points of internal hiring teams and the need for innovative solutions that can flex and scale with the ever-changing talent market.
  • Our unique embedded talent acquisition model is designed to help companies overcome these obstacles and achieve their long-term growth goals. With a global team of talent experts with first-hand experience working with hundreds of startups, scale-ups and enterprise businesses, we offer flexible and tailored solutions to meet your specific needs while delivering exceptional results.
  • Whether you’re a startup looking to scale quickly or an established company seeking to stay ahead of the competition, WGG has the tools and resources you need to succeed.

A Fixed Monthly Subscription With No Hidden Costs

  • Unlike traditional recruitment companies that rely on commission-based models, we believe a transparent subscription model is key to sustainable growth. This means that our clients only pay for the expertise of our team members who are embedded into their organisation.
  • By eliminating the commission element, we ensure that our teams remain focused on our partners’ objectives and culture, enabling us to improve their recruitment processes significantly. This approach has been proven to be highly effective, delivering an average saving of 48% versus traditional recruitment agency fees, making us a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.
  • Our inclusive subscription package covers LinkedIn licenses, L&D budgets and recruitment tools for our experts. This ensures that our clients have access to everything they need to find the right talent and build a successful team without worrying about additional costs.

Get in touch to discuss our Embedded Solution:

sales@woodfordgray.com01782 376 766